Monday, March 23, 2009

One more thought...I read the comments to mom when she feels like listening. She really enjoys hearing the encouraging words. Since she gets to tired talking on the phone this is a great way to communicate with her!


  1. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Keep eating the popsicles!!

  2. Hi Charmaine, I am trying my computer skills, if you recieve this message then it IS a sign that miricles still happen!(ha ha). I want you all to know we love you and know God is in control. We want to call but also dont want to bother you, Mamas (Tootsie) doesnt have a computer but we will keep her posted of your progress. I know God will bring you through and use this for you to reach out to even more people. God is an awsome God and you are an awsome child of God! Tell Sam and the whole family we love you all and will see you soon. Love, Mike

  3. I pray there are some cute oncologists or male nurses at Emory. We love you!

  4. p.s. that comment posted by WA (tony) is me! xo laurie

  5. Just wanted yall to know I was thinking about you! 16 years ago my Mother had this life altering treatment for malignant brain tumor. It seemed so unbearable at the time. But it worked shes still alive and healthy. My sister had it 12 years ago for breast, again it seemed unbearable, all those side effects! but shes still alive and healthy! IT WORKS! thats why they use it. Be strong and hope for the future! This too shall pass........

  6. Natalie, you are such an angel to let us all know how our girl is doing. Charmaine, we love you and pray for you every day. Please tell Sam he's also in our thoughts and prayers


    Dave & Cathy Treadway

  7. Well since you are reading the comments to her... please tell her that I will be by to see her just as soon as she feels up to it!! I am downtown (only and hop and a skip away from Emory) so I can come by whenever is convenient for her.

    P.S. Is there any requests from her? I know she is just dying to eat a chili dog from the Varsity!!! :) No really...My friends mother is undergoing chemo right now as well and the only thing she wants is candy so let me know!! I love you CC!!! See you soon!!

  8. Hey Charmaine,
    I think of you so often every day & pray that the nausea and any other side effects are kept to a minimum. I remember those bags of chemo, platelets, blood, etc. You know Christi & her sense of humor! Boy don't you need to try and find some during all this? Well, "Kiki" decided when Connie was at Emory that she was going to identify what each bag looked like. One specifically I recall was she said platelets looked like chicken gravy!
    So, this might be something fun for you & yours to do. It is pretty interesting stuff; powerful too! If it just didn't cause all those side effects and reactions, but hey....."this too shall pass" right? You have the best attitude and that is so much of the battle which of course is because of your AMAZING FAITH IN GOD!! I am so inspired by YOU for you so obviously believe in Phil. 4:13, "I can do ALL THINGS in Christ who strengthens me." I believe Dr. Gramps is helping keep our GRAND ones healthy so the ones that can will be able to visit whenever you/they are able. Please know you are in our prayers and thoughts daily. We are making ourselves available to help out in whatever way we can to lessen the load for your family so they can assist in looking after you so you DO NOT WORRY about them!! We love you dearly and if you need for me or Dick to do ANYTHING for YOU, please send us a message ok? Donna and Dick
    P.S. We respect your health and immune system (we remember all too well :( so we do not plan to visit, but that does not mean we do not love you. WE DO that is why we are NOT coming; however, if you needed us, we would be there in a heartbeat! :o)

  9. Dearest Charmaine....Cannot believe you are having to go through all this. We know you can beat this!!! Anyone who can raise a Casey Marlow can surely beat up some little ol' cancer cells!!! We were just talking the other day about how gracious you were to allow the girls to work at the shop and how much they enjoyed it. I think that's why Leah still likes to have purple streaks in her hair!!! We love you and will send our prayers for your strength in your battle. You are blessed to have such a caring family who I know will be with you every step of the way. With much love...The Baker Girls...Jean, Leah, and Lindsay.
