Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 4-5 of chemo

Last night Charmaine began two different chemos that we were dreading...Vincristine and Daunorubicin. One of them took 10 minutes and the other one takes 24hrs to finish. We heard and read that the side effects would be rough...and they have been. Charmaine told me over and over during the night and today that this is the worst she has felt so far. Nausea, headaches, and pain everywhere. She is taking meds for the side effects as needed around the clock...and is sleeping a lot of the time. Today she has needed more Lasix for the fluid retention, and more potassium. A few little stitches broke loose on her picc line and were quickly mended also. This afternoon, she received another spinal tap and intrathecal chemo (enters through the spinal cord). The Bone Marrow Biopsy and the mutation test results are not in yet, but the Dr. did clarify something about her disease for us today...she does not have ALL. Instead, she still has CML but it has progressed to the acute blast stage and resembles ALL very closely. He did not have a reason for this and hopes that the mutation test results will give some answers. He says he has 40 patients currently with the same rare occurance and either 4 or 6 of them had already received successful Bone Marrow Transplants. So now we will go read up on what he told us and go from there. The chemo regimen will be the same as planned. The dr. is holding off on her new CML meds because of the combined side effects like fluid retention and headaches. Her WBC (white blood count) was down to 19,300 today, which is good.

She is remaining strong and told to me today how overwhelmed she is by the number of people who love her and are all praying...while she has no strength to pray much today. She's having a hard time being on the receiving end of the care...she's more comfortable care giving. As we all know! She did laugh a few times today and still has her spirit, just hit a rough patch today. Even though she was queasy most of day, she ate half of a few popsicles and sipped on gingerale, then during the evening she thought she might try some grapes and a pear. The nurse had them brought to us asap, and she ate a handful of grapes, about a third of a peeled cut up pear, a saltine cracker, and a whole popsicle!!

After I left, Nat texted me that she is running a fever; so they are doing a blood culture and starting her on precautionary antibiotics. We can only hope that she will feel better tomorrow! Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. We read the comments to her when she feels like listening...and it makes her smile!

She will remain at Emory this week and on Day 11, which I counted to be March 30, she will do these last 2 chemos again. Maybe sometime in the first part of April she can go home. As for now, she can't handle any visitors, and is at risk of becoming sick from physical contact. But keep on praying for our mom!! She's hanging in there! Hope I didn't forget anything...Nat will cover it if I did.

Stefanie (Sissy)

ps...Nat is looking into planning a Bone Marrow Donor Drive in Douglas County so everyone we know can register and do a mouth swab FOR FREE to see if you are a tissue match for anyone in the National Bone Marrow Bank including Charmaine! She will let us know the details!


  1. Hey guys - I love you all, I hope you know that. You all have been heavy on my heart and you are just like my family....if there is anything I can do - please let me know - anything....you are all in my prayers - and I can't get you out of my thoughts..xo

  2. Let the Lord carry you through these hard days, He is all the strength that you will ever need.

    We are continuing to pray for peace and healing!

    James and Kristi Wren

  3. Hang in there Natalie and family! Praise the small acheivements (even if it is eating a pear!).

    Sara (Cruickshank) Ray

  4. I love you Charmaine!! Think of God's footprints in the sand! Let Him carry you on this journey!! Your strength and FAITH in God will heal you! Have someone read John 5:1-16 to you today for encouragement! Love you!

  5. It is hard to understand why we go through some of the valley’s we go through, but try to remember it is for a reason and God is in control. I was sick myself when I heard the news, but if anybody is a fighter it is Charmaine. A woman that loves the Lord and knows He will bring her through. Hold on to your faith and know that you are loved. The great Physician above is with you always and will hold you through it all. My prayers are with you always. I can’t wait to read the blog of healing, going home and playing with those beautiful grandchildren. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know 770-944-8704. I love and miss all of you! Praying for you…….Rhonda McCurdy

  6. i told natalie that i am on the bone marrow registry - it would be awesome if i were a match for charmaine! i am thinking about her and know she will be strong through this - she is such an amazing woman!

  7. Thanks for that comment!! Soon we are ALL going to be in the Bone Marrow Registry. It's amazing what God places in our path that brings new awareness to these organizations that save lives! I've given blood before, but it never crossed my mind to give bone marrow...until NOW!! I can't wait to see how many matches they find from Charmaine's friends and family!! God is so good.
