Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday June 1st

Yesterday I mentioned that Charmaine had some problems with her stomach after we got back from the outing with the SS class.

All day yesterday she had pains in her stomach that felt like pouring alcohol on an open wound. I think it may feel like ulcers and very well may be just that.

One of the side effects of the chemo is to have ulcer like sores in the mouth and sometimes throughout the entire digestive system. She has been very fortunate not to have had them to this point. We are going to call the clinic this morning and ask the Dr. some questions.

Please pray that she does not get these tormenting sores in her body. They are very painful. If you've ever had an ulcer in your mouth or stomach you can imagine being coated with them.

As I have said numerous times before, it is simple amazing how fast new issues appear from time to time. Everyday is unpredictable to some degree.

It was good to have gotten to see that sparkle in her eye and her smile for a while.

Everyday we are one day closer to her being healed from this terrible disease.

I can't tell you all how nice it has been to have her home with me. Even if I'm just washing the car and she's on the porch watching me I feel complete.

I'll update this note late today after we talk to the Dr.

We are to check in Wednesday at Emory for next round.


9:35 pm She had an absolutely wonderful day. All pains went away. Had vistors and spent the end of the day with best friends and watching her grandchildren play in our yard. Was sitting in the grass watching them. PTL!!!!!


  1. Sam,
    I love reading your posts and look forward to the updates and seeing prayers answered..They are like love sweet. I am happy that she is feeling better this evening. big hugs to you both. chelley

  2. So good to hear that she is feeling better. Nat has a picture of her and Charmaine on her facebook profile and they both look so happy...I see that sparkle you are talking about. It just warms my heart to see that. We love y'all and are praying hard for her full recovery. Love, Sherry and fam

  3. So glad that you had a break from the pain and discomfort, at least for a little while. I will be praying for you as you go back in Wednesday. Will call and come visit when you are feeling "up to it." Stay strong, you are my inspiration!!!!
