Friday, April 10, 2009

Outcome of Dr. Visit

Had Dr. visit today before checking in Monday for 5 days of chemo treatments. All went well. Her blood work was pleasing to the Dr.

Did find out why the Gleevec quit working on her. It seems that a mutation known as F359C was found in the mutation search. This makes Gleevec non effective in killing the leukemia cells. It does not have that effect on Sprycell. There are three drugs that she can take. This mutation effects 2 of the 3 drugs she can take. Pray that nothing will effect Sprycell. It's our last bullet.

We will be at Emory at 8:30 am Monday am to start again.

She is doing very good today. Just a little fatigue.


1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you all so often and will keep thinking positive about Sprycell doing the job. I hope that Steven never has the same issues as you are having, but if he does, your blog fills me with hope. Thank you!
    love and light
    Steven's mom
