Sunday, April 19, 2009

2nd Day Home.......April 19th...Update

Charmaine has been home 2 days since her 2nd round of chemo has been complete. She is doing OK but is having trouble bouncing back to some feeling of normal this time.

Nausea and a constant feeling being weak haven't really left her yet. It is manageable but never leaves.

Her sense of taste has changed quite a bit. As a result of this, the food she wants has changed.Not a real hearty appetite but has to eat snacks often. She seems to want food that has a tart or zingy taste over bland foods so she can taste them. Often there is a chemical like taste in her mouth. This is normal.

Her eyes have been dilated since we have been home due to some drops she has to put in her eyes. One of the chemo treatments this time can deposit crystals in the eyes if drops are not used. Because of this she is a bit sensitive to bright lights. This is normal.

One common side effect of the treatments is to loose the ability to focus or concentrate clearly. This time I have noticed it more defined that 1st regiment. Sometimes just seems like in a daze. Not bad but noticeable. She is aware of it. Long visits or talking a lot make her anxious.

Has been plagued with a horrible cough this time. We finally figured out if we make house as cold as an igloo it seems to help. She is taking 2 very powerful antibiotics to ward off any infections. Because of the cough, she has had a hard time sleeping for very long. She spends about half the night in the recliner rather than in bed. Can breathe better. I think she is just trying to get away from me and not wake me up coughing.

Smell is a very big deal on chemo. The least odor will set her off to throw up. On the floor at Emory, even the cleaning agents they use are odor free. Being the cleaning fool I am, I am having to restrain my cleaning to the use of a damp cloth unless she is away for a while. This is normal.

All of the side effects she is having are normal. We are not sure if they will remain through all the treatments or if they will change and new ones surface as new chemo drugs are given.

We are hoping that today she will start to feel more normal.

We continue our journey...........................


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