Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14th..Dr. Meeting on Bone Marrow Transplant

Today is Charmaine's 2nd day back on chemo. She had a good day. Some mild headaches and some nausea but not nearly as severe as 1st round. Getting ready for the 48 hr. round starting tomorrow.

The big news for today is that we had a meeting at 7pm tonite with the Dr. that is head of the bone marrow transplants at Emory.

She was very candid and did not candy coat what she is going to go through. The process(and I do mean process) will start in about 6 or 7 months, after the other regiments are complete. The 1st month will be worse than any of the other chemo treatments she has had. This is a very serious and risky procedure. The Dr. said it's a little like a crap shoot. Some people die from complications after it is done and lots of side effects are natural for her to go through. She will be in the hospital for 4 to 6 weeks then come back to the clinic every other day for months. Will take 6 months to 2 to 4 years to finally get over it. Lots of fatigue. If it is successful she has between 18 to 20% chance of being disease free!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If she chose not to do the transplant she would have months to 1 year to live.

If this post sounds wordy or makes no sense it is because I am still in some shock at just hearing what we already knew.

We have a very long road ahead of us. They keep encouraging us to do what our Lord said "JUST LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME".

If you read this post often, please learn from it. Go home at night and just give your wife a big hug and tell her how much you love her. Your whole world could change tomorrow with one statement from a doctor.

Just love and live every day as if it were your last. It may be.

I am reminded of the story in the Bible about the servants of God about to be thrown in the fiery pit. They said our God is able to deliver us from this fire, but even if He chooses not to, we will not bow down.

Blessed be the name of our Lord.



  1. Sam, I understand exactly what you mean. When Jim and I heard that doctor say 'cancer', we were both in shock for days afterwards. All we could do was sit and look at each other and cry. After we got through that part, it was like we were prepared to fight the biggest, longest fight. And it was a fight, to get to the end of the treatments and for him to feel better.

    Going through that brought us closer together, and has helped us live each day like it will be the last one we have . We enjoy every minute we have togther.

  2. Our hearts go out to you and your family. LOVE and LIVESTRONG is how we start our day knowing God has a plan. Sometimes its hard to understand the plan, but knowing God is with you helps ease the day.

    Love to all,
    Sherry Alexander and Family
    (In Memory or Ron...)

  3. Sam,
    Just wanted you to know that Lee and I have been following CC's Journey from our facebook and have just figured out how to comment to you. We are praying for Charmaine, you and the family. You all are also on our chruch's prayer list. We pray that God will be strong in you and that you will walk in His strength as you walk this path. May each day bring new unexpected blessings to you. As you said your whole world can change in an instant so may you find the still small things of God to be your help and sustaining power.
    We love you all,
    Lee & Debbie Harrison

  4. Sam and Charmaine-

    I have loved you both since I was a little girl- your family is our family- when you cry we cry- when you love we love- and now...as you FIGHT we FIGHT! Just as you were there every step through every step of Gage's journey- so will we be there through yours. If it weren't for Charmaine we may have never gotten on that plane to Philadelphia! 7 months later here we are rocking our little miracle to sleep...7 months from now I look forward to all of the miracles that God will have done in your lives! We love you and pray for you daily!

    Lauren, Chris, and Gage

  5. so many are being ministered to by charmaine's life and your families faith. thank you for being willing to share with those close to you as well as those who just know who you are and are praying for you. God is at work.
