Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday......May 10th..

Charmaine has had a good weekend here at home and is happy to be home for Mother's Day.

She had an almost normal day on Saturday with little fatigue. The meds for anxiety may be starting to kick in.

Thank You LeAnn for bringing the sweet treats for her.

Thanks to Vicki and Dianne for your visits. Thanks to many others for your calls and cards.

We go back Tuesday at 8 am for 3rd round. We will probably be there till Sunday or Monday on this one.

Happy Mother's Day to you all. If you can, read Proverbs chapter 31. I've always said that's the chapter in the Bible that reminds me of Charmaine.

This is my first Mother's Day without my mother. She passed away January 15th of this year.

More later...............


Charmaine had a wonderful Mother's Day. She got to see all of children and grand kids. She wouldn't have had it any other way. This evening she was exhausted from the day and turned in earlier than normal. It was worth it for her.

She looked beautiful today.

I love her more than life.

She thinks she wears me out taking care of her. She does not know how much it pleases me to take care of her. I'm so glad she shared her life with me. Looking forward to much more.

She made me a better man.



  1. Happy Mother's Day, Charmaine.

  2. Happy Mothers Day !!!!!! It's so good to hear what a good weekend you had. Also the report from Dr. Stay strong you can fight this we all know you can!!!!!
    Love, jennifer d.

  3. Charmaine is the women discussed in Proverbs 31. I will never forget the change she has made in my life! She is not only strong and not afraid to speak her mind, but she is willing! she is willing to provide encouragement and strength to others (even when the rest of the world has turned their back on them). I hope and pray one day that I am half the lady Charmaine is!! I love you and happy mothers day!!
