Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday Am July 18th... Back in Hospital

Friday morning at the clinic visit the Dr. readmitted Charmaine into the hospital.
Needless to say she was more than disappointed.

Since we have been home her temp has been up and down teetering on the edge of going to the ER. We did go there Thursday night but came home.

She has for the first time ulcers in her mouth and throat and possibly in her stomach. She also has a very bad blister on her lower lip. These are very painful and she can hardly swallow any food.

She also has for the first time lots of red splotches on her face and shoulders.

These along with the fever were too many issues not to stay and get to the bottom of the cause.

The ulcers are a common side effect from chemo but she has never had them before. The rash happens sometimes from transfusions.

She was so exhausted yesterday she slept most of the day after being admitted, from being up the night before at the ER.

I am not sure how long this stay will be but will keep you all posted.

She just feels like a revolving door right now back and forth to Emory.

Please pray that she'll find her peace again.

All will get better if she can just get home and feel good for a while.

Natalie was with her last night.


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